April 14, 2011

Hidden Dangers in Your Home: Your Electrical Panel

What’s that smell?  My pulse races as I detect a faint hint of an electrical burning smell! It may just be the toaster or heater or… it may be something far worse. Your electric panel, like any other mechanical device, has an expected life. Since we rarely have problems with our panel, seldom do we think about it or the necessary maintenance that should be done to maximize the life and efficiency of this unit. Over time the natural humidity and corrosive agents abounding in the very air we breathe can affect the equipment we depend upon to provide us with reliable and safe power. The result can be costly and potentially disastrous. What few people realize is that regular maintenance and inspection can identify problems and extend the useable life of your panel. A qualified electrician can quickly assesses the condition of your electrical system and put your mind at ease about your safety.
I hope that you enjoyed this quick tip to protect your property and the ones you love. This service and many more are available from our unmatched lineup of qualified technicians. Please feel free to contact us today, by calling (352) 465-1244.

What’s that smell? My pulse races as I detect a faint hint of an electrical burning smell! It may just be the toaster or heater or… it may be something far worse. Your electric panel, like any other mechanical device, has an expected life. Since we rarely have problems with our panel, seldom do we think about it or the necessary maintenance that should be done to maximize the life and efficiency of this unit. Over time the natural humidity and corrosive agents abounding in the very air we breathe can affect the equipment we depend upon to provide us with reliable and safe power. The result can be costly and potentially disastrous. What few people realize is that regular maintenance and inspection can identify problems and extend the useable life of your panel. A qualified electrician can quickly assesses the condition of your electrical system and put your mind at ease about your safety.

I hope that you enjoyed this quick tip to protect your property and the ones you love. This service and many more are available from our unmatched lineup of qualified technicians. Please feel free to contact us today, by calling (352) 465-1244.

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